发布日期:2025-01-03 19:11    点击次数:95
北京时间8月24日,ESPN名嘴,知名评论区斯蒂芬-A-史密斯在谈到韦德入选名人堂时表示:詹姆斯的“冠军血统”归功于韦德。这一评论引起了球迷和媒体们的关注,球迷们纷纷表示:热火打开了詹姆斯的冠军账户。[1]“他没说错,詹姆斯去迈阿密是为了学习。詹姆斯自己称这是他的“大学四年”,他在迈阿密之前和之后是不同的球员。迈阿密把他变成了冠军球员。韦德收到了他的回报。”He’s not wrong he went to Miami to learn. LeBron himself called it his “4 years of college” he was a different player before and after Miami. Miami turned him into that championship winning killer. Wade gets his flowers[-]“确实如此。”It is true[--]“所以是迈阿密,不是韦德。”So Miami, not DWade.[---]“也不仅仅是韦德,板凳席上有这么多老将。”It was more than Wade that bench had so many veterans too[5]“按照这个逻辑,迈克尔-乔丹应该把他的“冠军血统”归功于斯科蒂-皮蓬。”By this logic, Michael Jordan owes his “championship pedigree” to Scottie Pippen[-]“詹姆斯在和韦德一起打球之前没有赢过一次总冠军,乔丹在和皮蓬一起打球之前没有赢过一次总冠军。”LeBron didn’t win one until he played with Wade, MJ didn’t win one until he played with Pippen[--]“MJ在自己拿到总冠军前并没有逃离自己的球队去加盟皮蓬,你怎么会认为这些是同一件事呢?”MJ didn't run away from his team to go join Pippen after he already won a championship by himself though? How can you think these are the same thing?[8]“不,是韦德欠詹姆斯的,是詹姆斯让他有机会再拿一枚总冠军戒指,幸运的是还有第三枚总冠军戒指。”Nah Wade owes Bron for forming the Heattles for giving him a chance at another ring and luckily a 3rd[-]“詹姆斯直到从韦德身上学到了什么,才知道成为总冠军或FMVP是什么感觉。这些都是冷酷无情的事实。而他在2011年的表现也确保了韦德没有在对阵诺维茨基的总决赛中赢得他的第二个FMVP。”LeBron didn't know what it felt like to be a champion or FMVP until he learned from Wade. Those are just the cold hard facts.And his performance in 2011 made sure Wade didn't win his second FMVP against Dirk.[--]“詹姆斯需要和韦德一起赢得总冠军。詹姆斯没有总冠军,也没有在克利夫兰赢球。他需要迈阿密。”It took Bron joining Wade to win. He had no rings and wasn’t winning in Cleveland. He needed Miami.[11]“事实是,如果詹姆斯没有去迈阿密,他仍然在寻找他的第一枚总冠军戒指。”Truth… if LeBron never went to Miami, he’d still be looking for his first ring[-]“2013年,不管有没有这个家伙,詹姆斯都会赢得总冠军。”2013 LeBron was winning with or without this guy[--]“2013年,热火不是在韦德的带领下勉强赢下了总决赛吗?你怎么能自信地说是没有韦德也能赢呢?“Didn’t the heat BARELY win the 2013 finals WITH dwade? How can you confidently say he was winning without??[14]”他应该将他的历史地位归功于雷-阿伦。“And ows his legacy to Ray Allen[-]”还有波什的篮板。“And Boshs rebound[--]”还有他自己在第四节的精彩表现。🤷‍♂️“And the masterful 4th quarter he had🤷‍♂️[17]”如果我们说实话,一个历史前五的分卫在大多数情况下都能给你赢得一枚总冠军戒指,唯一的例外是詹姆斯-哈登。“If we being real, a top 5 sg is gonna get you a ring most of the time only exception is like James harden[-]”不,他是说韦德和迈阿密的文化让詹姆斯成为一个赢家,让他突破了瓶颈,但你是对的,哈哈。“Nah he’s saying that Wade and the culture in Miami made him wanna be a winner and got him over the edge, but you’re right tho lol[19]”詹姆斯自己已经说过了,所以他没有错。“Lebron hinself already said as much so he not wrong.[-]”是的。他甚至把从热火学到的一切都带回了克利夫兰。他甚至带上了詹姆斯-琼斯和迈克-米勒,因为他们深谙“热火之道”🤣“Yup. Even said everything he learned from Heat org he took back to Cleveland with him. Even took James Jones n Mike Miller with him bc they knew the “Heat way”.🤣


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